Note that you can use D3 Plannerto check for your chances of getting the item you want through Gambling at Kadala orupgrading rares in the Kanai”s Cube. Read more: how to turn off lua errors in wow This is a once-per-Season reward, and the gifted set rotates from Season toSeason. Completion ofchapters II, III and IV of the Seasonal Journey (a list of tasks accessible fromthe main menu or upper right corner in-game) yields Haedrig”s Gifts, acache-like reward that drops two pieces of a predetermined class-specific set.Haedrig”s Gift guarantees you a complete set, but not necessarily a well-rolledone. Set Items only - Check if your desired set is the current Haedrig”s Gift - youreasiest source of a set can be simply participating in a Season. You can increase your chances at obtaining legendaries and set items by doing thefollowing.
Đang xem: Best way to farm legendaries in diablo 3 That means killingmonsters, elites and bosses, opening chests, gambling at Kadala and upgradingrare items at the Cube.
Like the vast majority of items in Diablo 3, legendaries and set items canonly be found through chance, and cannot be target-farmed.