With mods you can be a gunner, a mage, a bombardier, a necromancer, Conan, or many other things. In addition to all those archeypes, I can also have them focus on survivability or Raw power. I could even roll a character completely dependent on thrown weapons if I wanted, and still be relatively powerful. I could even play as a doctor, and simply let my troops do all the killing.Īs a combat troop, I could play as an archer, a crossbowman, a foot-soldier (spearman, swordsman, axeman) or a mounted equivalent of any of the previously mentioned. Even as a noncombatant character, there are other ways to play, for example, I could play as a merchant, and use wealth to dominate calradia, literally paying my way to the top. It's a whole different ball-game than playing as a combat troop.
Currently, (using my talesworlds copy, not through steam) I've been rolling it as an Orator, relying on talking others into doing things, and not having any troops with me other than an honor guard of companions.
There are a myriad of diffferent character types you can play.